The griffin is one of the world's oldest mythical beasts - it is at least 5000 years old. It was first seen in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Like many mythical beasts it is a half and half animal. In the case of the griffin it is half lion and half eagle. As it is half the king of the beasts and half the king of the birds, one might say it the king of the mythical beasts! Like the lion and the eagle it had a fierce reputation and there are many stories of it attacking humans and their horses. But in one story the table is turned on the griffins and a great hero used them for his own ends.
The famous Greek king and general Alexander the Great had taken his mighty army to India. There the army was attacked by a flock of griffins and some of his men were killed. But Alexander was impressed by the mighty beasts and came up with a clever plan. He set about capturing four griffins, using meat as a bait. Down they swooped to grab the meat, but Alexander was too clever and tied them with four chains. One end of each chain was attached to a griffin and the other to a chariot. Just above the griffins' heads Alexander placed some meat on poles. The griffins tried to fly up to catch the meat, but of course all that happened was they began to lift the chariot into the air. Alexander leaped into the chariot and began to fly upwards. Looking down he could see the land all flat beneath him and as it fell further and further away he saw the sea curled around the land like a dragon all shiny in the sunshine. Up and up he flew, until they got so high that the sun started to burn the griffins' wings and they had to drop down to earth again.
You can still see griffins today. And nowadays they are attached to the modern equivalent of a chariot. Next time you see a Vauxhall car, have a look at the badge on the front - it's a griffin. So far you can find
So far you can find the Blue Griffin or the Pink Griffin....More to come!!