There are more than a hundred species of wild roses, all from the northern hemisphere and mostly from temperate regions. The species form a group of generally thorny shrubs or climbers, and sometimes trailing plants, reaching 2-5 m tall, rarely reaching as high as 20 m by climbing over other plants.
Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. The rose was sacred to a number of goddesses, and is often used as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. Roses are so important that the word means pink or red in a variety of languages (such as Romance languages and Greek).
The rose is the national flower of England, the provincial flower of Alberta (the wild rose), and the state flower of four US states: Iowa and North Dakota (R. arkansana), Georgia (R. laevigata), and New York (Rosa generally). Portland, Oregon counts "City of Roses" among its nicknames, and holds an annual Rose Festival.
A red rose (often held in a hand) is also a symbol of socialism or social democracy; it is also used as a symbol by the United Kingdom Labour Party, as well as by the French, Spanish, Portugese, Danish, Swedish, Brazilian and European socialist parties.
The rose came to symbolize the Republic of Georgia's non-violent bid for freedom during its Rose Revolution.
All info on the rose from psychcentral.com